Harrison Speed Dating Over 30

Recommended Ages: Women 30 - 45, Men 30 - 45: Cost: $25.00: Event Status: Accepting Registration: Description Try our online speed dating event from home (or anywhere!) where you will meet around 10 singles just like you. The first speed-dating event took place in Los Angeles in 1998. This innovative way of meeting as many as 25 (though most events top out at 14 or so) possible love interests at one time was created by Antony Beilinsohn, a Los Angeles-based television executive and clearly very creative person.

Speed Networking: A Quick Way to Expand Your Professional Contacts

Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive activities an individual can do to launch and manage their career. Building an interconnected group of relationships with others is at the core of a person’s effectiveness both personally and professionally. In the workplace today, we need to be known to others as well as ensure that others are aware of how we might be a resource for them. Whether student, young careerist, or seasoned professional, having a network of people you can tap into for information, advice and opportunities, while sharing your own, is paramount.

Over the past five years, speed networking has emerged as a variation of traditional business networking activities for meeting people. Speed networking is a structured and fast paced networking event allowing participants to interact with others, typically in a series of brief one-on-one information exchanges. Speed networking takes its cue from speed dating, an event where individuals are allowed a short amount of time to meet a number of prospective dates, one at a time, and then choose who they would like to provide their contact information. Where interest is mutual, the contact leads to a date.

Speed networking is the business version of speed dating. However, in speed networking events, the participants readily share contact information with each other and decide themselves who they will follow up with. This type of event can provide exposure to a lot of people in a short amount of time. It is a way to let others know who you are and what you are looking for, whether new customers or clients, business or sales leads, or a new job or internship. Colleges and universities may offer speed networking events where employers and alumni are invited to meet students looking for internships, jobs, or mentors, or where alumni can meet each other. Professional associations and chambers of commerce may offer speed networking opportunities at a monthly meeting or as part of an annual conference.

Round Robin Format Moves Briskly
The typical format for speed networking is called a round robin. The event leader will usually ring a bell, sound a buzzer, or blow a whistle to indicate the beginning and end of each round. Once the round begins, you introduce yourself and your purpose for being there, share your business card and perhaps, business brochure. A few questions and answers back and forth can quickly clarify if there is any potential for a follow up phone call or meeting. At the halfway point, the conversation switches to the second person, who introduces themselves and their reason for attending. After a second exchange of information, the event leader rings a bell and you move on to the next person.

Over the next hour or two, you continue to meet individuals, one at a time. Ideally, the event culminates with time allowed for open networking, either for talking to individuals you did not get to talk to, or seeking out someone who you met during the event and continuing the conversation.

Some variations of speed networking include meeting with a succession of small groups of individuals throughout the event. Upon arrival, pre-registered participants are assigned a sequence of groups or tables to follow during the event, insuring that they are always meeting new people in each group. Another variation matches people up ahead of time based on their purpose for attending the speed networking event.

Preparation for Speed Networking

  • Practice a 60-second statement that includes your name, title or occupation, and what you are looking for, such as information, leads, a job or internship. Some people like speed networking because you get right to the point and there is no time for small talk.
  • Make sure you have a supply of business cards ready. Sometimes event planners will suggest a number; bring at least 30. If you are unemployed at the time, get business cards with your contact information and occupation printed on them.
  • Assemble brochures, resumes or other type of handout, if applicable.
  • Bring a pen, notepad, and your appointment calendar with you.
  • Usually attire is either business or business casual. Check with the organizers if it is not stated.
  • Remember that you have a few seconds to make a positive first impression.

During the Event

  • First of all, have fun. The fast pace of this kind of event contributes to a high level of energy in the room.
  • Usually 2-5 minutes are allowed for each round; the leader will inform the group about the time frame.
  • As you meet each person, shake hands and exchange names and business cards. Read each card as you accept it. A good system to keep the cards organized: keep your business cards in one jacket pocket, and the business cards given to you in the other.
  • The first person introduces themselves and their purpose, and a very brief conversation takes place.
  • Be extremely aware of the time factor so the second person doesn’t get their time cut short. Talking too long in a situation like this is highly insensitive and damages your first impression.
  • Take notes on the back of your partner’s business card. This may include notes on how they look or what they are wearing to help you remember them.
  • Suggest a next step, if appropriate. You will not have time to schedule a phone call or meeting, so follow up the next day will be important.
  • Above all, respect the process. At the signal, end your conversation immediately and move, or allow the other person to move, to next person. You can always continue conversations later.

After the speed networking event, review the business cards of the individuals you met and scan or enter the information into the contact database software you may use. Send an email within 24-48 hours to each person you want to follow up with. Better yet, make a phone call to continue the conversation or book a meeting or lunch to move the relationship along.

Certainly, one of the goals of speed networking is to meet new individuals who can directly be of help to you. But your goal shouldn’t stop there. Each person you meet has a network of individuals they know, and it may be one of those persons who will be a good match for you. By meeting individuals during the course of a speed networking event, you potentially “plug in” to the people they know, greatly extending your ability to connect with individuals related to your goals.

To be effective at your job, manage your career, and find new opportunities, it’s not just what you know and what you can do, but also who you know. Speed networking can be another tool in your professional toolkit to contribute to your success.

Do you ever feel jaded about how much of your life you spend trying to find a decent date? It takes boundless amounts of charm, gusto and optimistic perseverance to land yourself a candlelit dinner with a hottie who might just be The One.

“So what? I just do online dating!” I hear you respond with vigour. Okay, well, good luck to thee! But online dating doesn’t automatically grant you free access to a limitless pool of good-lookin’ singletons who are guaranteed to want you. Plus, they’re total strangers, meaning you’re starting from scratch as you get to know one another. That takes time. There’s still something to be said for going a little more retro.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, speed dating entails a series of extremely short dates, around 3 minutes long. During the event, singletons get together and try to find someone who is both attractive and compatible in a highly efficient manner. Everyone takes notes on everyone else and tick yes or no with regard to whether or not they would like to meet up again. If both tick yes, then voila! — it’s a match.

Harrison speed dating over 30 years

Harrison Speed Dating Over 301

Be in no doubt: speed dating can work! However, because of the extremely limited time you have per date, the speed dating questions you ask (and the way you dress, incidentally, but that’s an article unto itself!), make or break the success of your speed dating experience. You don’t want to end up sitting across from your date looking like a rabbit in the headlights.

Why It’s So Important to Ask The Best Speed Dating Questions

An arsenal of shit-hot questions is essential if you want to get the most out of speed dating. How else are you meant to stand out from a large group of singletons when you’ve got literally just a few minutes to wow a prospective partner?

The best speed dating questions are fun, lighthearted and open-ended. They are also unique and make the listener really think deeply about their answer. This invariably will shed light on aspects of their personality that you’d never otherwise see in such a short space of time, especially if you were asking only boring and generic questions. A good speed dating question will facilitate the person across the table revealing information about themselves without it feeling forced or awkward.

Speed dating can be daunting, there’s no doubt about it, but Miingle have got your back. And remember, you don’t need to robotically relay questions to every date and never stray from a script. Our 30 questions are in no particular order, reflecting the fact that you should keep the conversation organic, natural-sounding and free-flowing.

Use these questions only as a crutch, a go-to guide to recall if the chat unexpectedly dips in energy. Our list of the 30 best speed dating questions (and infographic!) will get you through any scenario, any conversation, and maybe, just maybe, land you that coveted date #2.

30 Of The Best Speed Dating Questions

1. What has been your favourite weekend this year?

2. Who would you choose to be, having the opportunity to be any other person for 24 hours?

3. Where would you go on holiday right now if time and money were no object?

4. What were you known for in school?

5. Do you believe in anything paranormal?

6. Pick anyone to have dinner with, dead or alive.

7. What is the most reckless thing you’ve ever done?

Online Dating Over 30

8. What’s your party trick?

9. What is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted?

10. What causes you to cry?

11. What is your most treasured possession?

12. Who was your childhood hero?

13. Given the freedom, choose any country in the world to live.

14. What has been your biggest adventure?

15. What do you first notice when you meet someone new?

16. What are you most grateful for?

17. What is your favourite time of year?

18. What was your dream job when you were little?

19. What is one thing you wish to achieve during your life?

20. What makes you feel old?

21. What would people be most surprised to learn about you?

22. What hobby or pastime would you love to get into if only you had the time and resources?

23. What takes up too much of your time?

24. What is one of your favourite memories?

25. What made you smile today?

26. What would you do if you found out you had 6 months left to live?

27. Describe the most physically challenging experience you’ve ever had.

28. What is something you are secretly very knowledgeable about?

29. What is your favorite food?

30. Who was your first kiss?

A Few Speed Dating Tips That Can Help

Every person you meet at your speed dating evening will be different, and therefore so will each conversation. Tailor your questions to the person. If they seem nervous, keep things straightforward and allow them to ease into the dialogue, rather than firing off profound philosophical conundrum after profound philosophical conundrum. You can even ask some funny speed dating question.

Furthermore, at all costs avoid potentially inflammatory or touchy subjects such as religion, politics, money, sex and, of course, exes! Coming across as intense or insensitive is a guaranteed turnoff, and you will not be receiving a tick from them.

At the end of the day, speed dating is meant to be fun, so try to relax and remember that everyone is feeling the same as you! There are also lots of ways to prepare for your speed dating night so that you turn up feeling on form and ready to go. Act confident, even if you don’t feel it; as they say, fake it till you make it. Don’t be dishonest; if you get to know that person sitting across from you, the revelation that you’ve a penchant for porkies will be a big red flag. Plus, of course, you want your date to like you for whom you are!

Speed dating is a pretty unique experience. You do not have the time to faff around with niceties and formalities; you’re here to see if the person opposite you could genuinely be a potential partner. The only way you can really ascertain this in so short a timespan is to ask questions whose answers you genuinely care about. Miingle’s 30 best speed dating questions will help you avoid clichés and be memorable, individual and interesting.

That’s really all you need to get that tick and clinch rendezvous #2!