City Hookup In Fort Scott Kansas

Railroad Promotion in Fort Scott

See all available apartments for rent at Highlands Apartment Homes in Fort Scott, KS. Highlands Apartment Homes has rental units ranging from 947-1155 sq ft starting at $545.

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Military activity in Fort Scott during the Civil War fostered growth and economic development in town. Town leaders sought ways to improve the economy and worked to make Fort Scott the dominant trade center of southeast Kansas.

Like many other towns, the leaders of Fort Scott saw a railroad line as a means to tap into the trade of the Eastern markets. Their efforts to bring a railroad to town, which began during the Civil War, intensified in the late 1860s. The citizens of Fort Scott recognized the value of a railroad and voted to purchase $150,000 of bonds from the Kansas and Neosho Valley Railroad. However, they insisted that Fort Scott be included in the railroads name. Therefore, requiring Fort Scott’s investment, the directors changed the name to the Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad.


City Hookup In Fort Scott Kansas City Mo

  1. The street map of Fort Scott is the most basic version which provides you with a comprehensive outline of the city’s essentials. The satellite view will help you to navigate your way through foreign places with more precise image of the location.
  2. The Clerk’s responsibilities are numerous, most existing to serve the citizens of Fort Scott. The main portion of the City Clerk’s position revolves around City Commission meetings. Get information regarding the departments dedicated to keeping the community moving.
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City Hookup In Fort Scott Kansas Newspaper

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City Hookup In Fort Scott Kansas Hotels

The directors of this railroad planned to build south from Kansas City, along the state border, through Indian Territory, and finally to the Gulf of Mexico. They hoped to tap into the resources of the South and the Gulf Coast.